Thursday, 17 November 2011

Stylisation Part 2

More stylisation, particularly focusing on colour. I'm not so sure about the Art Nouveau influence (except in #2 where it works stylishly), but I have very much taken the emphasis on circular composition from it, which I feel is working well.

Tom noted that my work was evocative of Disney's Fantasia, which I will confess I haven't seen and brace myself for the lynch mob. I looked it up and it's definitely something I'll think about as I work.

#12 was going somewhere, but I don't know where. It kind of got lost along the way.


  1. Fantasia! They just so remind me of these:

    :-D So yes, really love these thumbnails, Meg. *thumbs up* (*thumbs down* for not having seen Fantasia but I'll let that one slide for now ;-) )

  2. Am loving these Meg, was great seeing them take form today! Especially like #1, #2 and #8 the colours just go pow! :)

  3. Yes - No Fantasia? Someone get that crutches-clattering imbecile out of the building! :) Seriously though - (and that was a joke btw) - I love the boldness of these - but you need to max out the composition - I know these are thumbnails - but for example, number 2 feels like a fragment of a much more epic space, so why not take this thumbnail into another 16:9 canvas and explore the rest of the world at which it hints?


    (obviously, you're not at the crit, but the info re. final presentation and submission disc relates...)

    Oh and where are those reviews, Ms Leslie? ;)

  4. if to look purely from colour aspect...i somewhat like 2, 8 and 9
